6 Ways to Celebrate Mother’s Day on the Big Island of Hawaii

Ah, Mother’s Day—a day to repay the woman who put up with years of your shenanigans with something a little nicer than a macaroni necklace. And what better way to celebrate than by whisking her away to the Big Island of Hawaii? It’s either that or buying her another cookbook she won’t use. Here’s how to make this Mother’s Day as epic as the she is.

Take Her on a Snorkel Tour

take your mom on a snorkel trip for mothers day in hawaiiStart the day by convincing Mom to don a flattering neoprene wetsuit and snorkel mask. Nothing says “I appreciate you” like inviting her to breathe through a plastic tube while floating atop the vast, creature-filled Pacific. She’ll marvel at the tropical fish, sea turtles, and occasional photobombing snorkeler in the background of her GoPro shots. Truly, a memory to treasure.

Enjoy a Beachside Lunch and Mai Tai at Lava Lava Beach Club

lava lava beach club is perfect for mothers day and a mai taiAfter she’s towelled, head over to Lava Lava Beach Club. Here, you can feed her fascination of all things tropical with a beachside lunch. Make sure she tries the Mai Tai—it’s fruit juice, so it’s (basically) healthy, and it’s got just enough kick to remind her of her wilder days before you came along and swapped her convertible for a minivan.


Go Shopping at Queens’ Shops in Waikoloa

Fully refreshed, now’s the time to hit the Queens’ Shops at Waikoloa. Because nothing heals the soul quite like retail therapy. Encourage her to splurge on that ridiculously overpriced Hawaiian shirt or that piece of jewelry that costs more than your first car. It’s Mother’s Day, after all. Remember, you’re in the middle of the Pacific Ocean—shipping costs more than the item itself, so buy it here and buy it now.

Visit the Botanical Gardens in Hilo

hilo botanical gardensWhat mother doesn’t love a leisurely stroll with their child? And there so better local to take a calming walk than the Botanical Gardens in Hilo. It’s like her backyard…but way way better (no offense mom). Let her talk to the flowers—she’s convinced they listen better than you ever did, and honestly, she might be onto something.


Tour the Vanilla Farm and Enjoy a Vanilla-Themed Lunch at the Vanilla Farm

Next, take her to the Vanilla Farm because nothing’s more thrilling than watching plants grow. After your tour, settle in for a lunch that’s as flavorful as it is memorable. The menu? A vanilla-themed delight that brings a hint of sweetness to every dish. This special lunch might just take your mom back to those afternoons spent baking cookies together in the kitchen.


best way to spend motehrs dayLast but not least, the most important thing you could do: Call. Your. Mother. Yes, even if you’re with her on this extravagant Hawaiian escapade. Call her to remind her where you are because chances are, the Mai Tais have kicked in. If she’s not on your trip with you then call her to thank her for years of putting up with your angsty teenage phase. Call her from the other room to bring you a towel. Just keep calling—it reminds her of when you were young, and she never got to use the bathroom in peace.

So there it is—your guide to a Mother’s Day that’s as unforgettable as the time you tried to cook dinner for her and nearly burned the house down. Cheers to the moms who put up with us, guide us, and love us unconditionally. Let’s face it, they deserve more than just a day.


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